Since Established in 2001, Twice Tattoo Studio is one of part twice bar is located in poppies 2 street. This studio is not big, but still comfortable. According Jerinx as the owner of Twice Bar & Twice
Tattoo Studio, this studio established because he like tattos. Also studio tattoo business is not make inflict a financial loss.Moreover image of bars and tattoo studio is matching.
"Although over the studio is not guessable, but I think we still can survive" as Jerinx said.
Tools and equipment for the studio, they claim all of the goods imported from foreign. Except the artists, twice tattoo services still use the original local products, that is Made tattoo. The price in Twice Tattoo is quite flexible, and usually starting from five hundred thousand.
When asked about the relationship between music and tattoo, Jerinx's answer is related. Because almost of musicians are tattoo fans.
"Many musicians who make tattoo in this studio, Rufio band and keyboardist of Nidji band make a tattoo in this studio."
Image of a bar, music and tattoo seems to be quite interesting in this place. While future plans for the studio, the possibilities will be enlarged. But may not be in the near future, "may be 2 or 3 more years", Said Jerinx.
In the future, Twice Studio's guys hopefully is.. "RUU APP hopefully not be passed."
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