Healthy Halloween Treats - Temporary Tattoos

Every year people search for healthy alternatives to the traditional trick-or-treat sugar snacks. Children nowadays eat more candy and soda than ever before. Schools are stocking vending machines with sugar-free options and parents are encouraging fruits and outdoor activities.

Even on Halloween, parents attempt to force children to pace themselves on their candy intake. But even when they're successful, the negative impacts of sugar intake will be felt: sugar is bad for the teeth, bad for the brain, bad for the hips (only good for the lips)!

But what if you could give your trick-or-treaters a healthy alternative that they'll actually enjoy? Apples are out of the picture and pencils are so last year.

Tip of the season: give your trick-or-treaters temporary tattoos!

Halloween temporary tattoos are an excellent alternative to candy and chocolate. Instead of another sweet treat, give the children in your neighborhood an activity. Non-permanent tattoos are unique, 100% safe and provide a lot of fun.

Children get plenty of candy! From chocolate to suckers to gum; they could have enough to last the whole year. This is what makes fake tattoos so special. It is something different that children will appreciate.

Plus, children actually love temporary tattoos. Unlike pencils or notebooks, kids see temporary tattoos as cool and something worth while. It is something they are going to want to tell their friends about.

Parents will appreciate you handing out fake tattoos instead of candy, too. They will see it as unique and thoughtful.

So take a break from candy and give kids something healthy and fun: Halloween temporary tattoos!

Amber Golden serves as Marketing Communications Specialist for Tattoo Manufacturing, the largest manufacturer of temporary tattoos in the world. Tattoo Manufacturing, located in Tucson, AZ, produces more than 6 million temporary tattoos a day. All of the company's products are Made in the USA and only FDA certified colorants are used.


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